
The Personal Financial Specialist (PFS) credential is granted exclusively to CPAs with tax expertise and comprehensive knowledge of financial planning. 所有领域的个人财务规划-房地产, 退休, 投资和保险——涉及税收, 只有CPA/PFS才有经验, 有道德和专业知识才能把工作做好.


The Personal Financial Specialist (PFS) credential reflects your knowledge and expertise in personal financial planning. 你的客户需要他们可以信任的明智和客观的建议. 作为188bet亚洲真人体育下载网址/PFS,你会有这样的经验, 道德和专业知识,帮助您的客户实现他们的财务目标.


The Personal Financial Specialist (PFS) credential reflects your knowledge and expertise in personal financial planning. 你的客户需要他们可以信任的明智和客观的建议. 作为188bet亚洲真人体育下载网址/PFS,你会有这样的经验, 道德和专业知识,帮助您的客户实现他们的财务目标.




是的. 你必须是美国注册188bet亚洲真人体育下载的正式会员, 荣誉, 国际副, 或持有未被撤销的188bet亚洲真人体育下载网址许可证,信誉良好的退休普通会员, 由合法组成的国家机关颁发的执照或证书. 美国注册188bet亚洲真人体育下载(AICPA)独家授予CPA/PFS®证书.


No. 您必须持有有效且未撤销的188bet亚洲真人体育下载网址许可证, 由合法组成的国家机关颁发的执照或证书.

如果我不符合成为CPA/PFS证书持有者的要求, 还有别的方法可以得到关于个人财务规划的信息吗?

是的. 你可以加入PFP部门-唯一的要求是良好的美国注册188bet亚洲真人体育下载会员资格. 非188bet亚洲真人体育下载网址必须以附属会员的身份加入AICPA.



所有获批准的申请将随时接受随机审核. False or incorrect applications may result in suspension or revocation of CPA eligibility and/or credential.


If you have supplied your individual (not your firm’s) CRD number on your CPA/PFS application, 你会被记录在AICPA每周发给FINRA的文件中.

Check the box on FINRA’s Form U-4 that indicates you hold the CPA/PFS credential; FINRA will compare your U-4 information against the AICPA file (authorizing the Series 65 waiver).

如果您收到通知,FINRA没有您的CPA/PFS记录, 这可能是由于您的PFS申请中缺少/不正确的CRD号码. 选择屏幕右侧的聊天图标, or visit our help page for frequently asked questions and other contact to update your CRD number; then, 重新向FINRA提交U-4.


Can I take the PFS exam before I complete the education and experience requirements for the CPA/PFS credential?
是的. There is no time limit in terms of when you complete the exam and when you apply for the CPA/PFS credential. 然而, 当你申请的时候, only PFP-related education and experience in the last five years (or seven years if using the 有经验的途径) can be used to meet the education and experience requirements for the CPA/PFS credential.

The only time constraint is the five PFP certificates must be obtained within five years if applying under the PFS 证书路径.

您可以在完成PFS考试后的任何时间申请证书. 我们鼓励你在获得资格后尽快申请.

标准的途径 -综合PFS考试持续5个小时,其中包括30分钟的可选休息时间. 考试共有160道题, about 50% of which are discrete multiple choice and 50% of which are case studies (of varying lengths) with related multiple-choice questions.

证书路径 -四门考试各100分钟. 证书课程的考试没有规定的顺序.

有经验的途径 — The PFS experienced assessment is 100 minutes in length which includes a total of 60 questions with one part for each of four case studies.

合格的指定持有人将使用标准途径. 在这条路上, the exam requirement is deemed to have been met for anyone who has passed the Certified Financial Planner (CFP®) exam or the Chartered Financial Consultant (ChFC) exams. 然而, 对于持有任何其他证书,如CFA,没有考试要求豁免, 或者像第七系列这样的授权, 65 or 66.

The PFS exam (the 标准的途径) is hosted at Kryterion test centers in the North America region. 查看所有 Kryterion 测试地点. 还有一个在线监考的选项. For this exam as well as all of the other pathway exams are administered as proctored online exams.

数字分数结果不包括在结果信中. The PFS exam is designed to psychometrically assess whether candidates have a sufficient base level comprehension of the PFP body of knowledge. 因此, results are issued as either “Pass” or “Fail” indicating whether the exam taker meets this minimum threshold.

How long is the grading process and when do exam candidates find out if they passed or failed?
AICPA管理PFS计划的所有通过/不通过结果, 在考生提交考试后立即提供. The only exception is if you have been notified that your exam is in a beta testing period where the results will be available when the beta testing period is closed.

The AICPA does not make a formal recommendation regarding the number of hours someone should study. This would most likely depend upon factors such as how much experience an individual already has and how familiar individuals are with the PFP body of knowledge found in the PFS Exam Content Specification Outline.

完整的 PFP知识体系 (BOK)是受测试的PFS考试可以
be downloaded from the AICPA PFS credential information website (the website contains a summary only). The BOK lists the topics and subject matter covered by the exam along with the relative coverage of these topics on the exams.



要维护PFS证书,请查看 重新认证要求信息.


If I am a CPA/PFS, do I automatically become a member of the Personal Financial Planning Section?
No. Purchasing the CPA/PFS credential authorizes you to use the PFS credential as well as access to some additional benefits on the AICPA website.

The PFP Section is a separate voluntary membership section that is open to all members of the AICPA with a wide variety of PFP resources to help the Section member grow professionally, 加深客户关系, 并增加公司的价值. 作为PFS证书持有者,它是与您的证书配对的宝贵资源.

我已经申请了CPA/PFS证书. 接下来会发生什么?
一旦在线申请完成并提交了付款, the AICPA will review and issue a welcome email with information on obtaining your PFS credential digital badge to use online. The digital badge website provides you with an option to print a PFS credential certificate as well.


  • Individuals may use the CPA/PFS credential in accordance with the rules of the state in which they practice. 在收到此通知之前,会员未被授权使用凭据.

  • 应申请人要求, their state society will be notified so the information can be promoted in state society newsletters.

The CPA/PFS credential is CPA-exclusive and the only personal financial planning credential that is maintained by the AICPA, 188bet亚洲真人体育下载网址的会员组织. 持有188bet亚洲真人体育下载网址证书的人被认为是高素质的, 道德, and well-trained professionals within the financial services industry and the overall business community.

持有CPA和PFS的人提供个人, 家庭, and their closely held businesses confidence in the services they provide and the assurance of objective guidance that takes all aspects (including tax) of their situation into account.


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